List of journals in Q1 for the area of astrophysics and astrochemistry (valid from 08.2023 to 07.2024):
PDF version (109 KB)
Criteria for awarding a cholarship for first-year Physics&Astronomy (S2)
PDF version (37 KB)
Organizational Regulations of the Centre AstroChem
PDF version (340 KB)
Incentive scheme for researchers from the Centre AstroChem
PDF version (196 KB)
Guidelines for scholarship supplements for doctoral students
PDF version (149 KB), application form (38 KB)
List of journals in Q1 for the area of astrophysics and astrochemistry (valid from 08.2022):
PDF version (49 KB), xlsx version (8,91 MB)
List of journals in Q1 for the area of astrophysics and astrochemistry (valid from 08.2021):
PDF version (401 KB), xlsx version (21 KB)
List of Q1 journals in astrophysics and astrochemistry (valid from 08.2020 till 07.2021):
PDF version (401 KB), xlsx version (21 KB)
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